Friday, April 4, 2014

How Getting Healthy can be Fun!

So Day 4's email is about how you can add some fun to your hustle. This one is pretty easy for me. It is getting to be "that" time of year. Where the weather is great. The amazing newness of the flowers blooming and the trees getting green give you hope that snow is done.

Before it gets hot but after the cold is gone. Spring. It calls me outside and makes me want to breath outside air.

So I can add fun to my get healthy hustle by spending time outdoors getting fit. I am ready. It is only like this for a couple months so I intend to make the very best of it.

I am planning on walking in the evening, bicycling or kayaking on the weekends, and just generally spending time outside.  Now don't get me wrong as soon as it gets hot I will be back inside with the AC on. Then I will have to find a new way to make it fun but for now, for this short time, I am an outdoorsie kinda gal.

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